I'm like a bird...


On June 13th 2009, I mustered up the courage to get inked. I originally wanted this tattoo to kick off my freshman year of college, but it instead wrapped the year up and marked the beginning of my summer. With a full-time job and my own apartment sans bills in the city of Boston, I ironically felt free. I wasn't caged in my house, caged by rules or caged by parents. It felt great to feel and act like an adult. Freedom.

My first vision was to have the dove done in white ink, but all the tattoo parlors I visited claimed it was too much of a risk. I refused to do black. So I settled with brown--a great choice. The brown ink has changed into a soft henna-like hue that perfectly complements my skin color. Its position on my shoulder makes it appear as if its flying away; wherever it goes, I follow.

I've grown to notice that I have transient tendencies. I seek constant change; I get bored easily. Whether it's done through a haircut, a change of style, a nose ring (done in September) or an ear piercing (done mid-summer), I change small things in my life to make up for the big things I cannot change.

The tattoo took no longer than five minutes, but those five minutes were painful. I'd say the first three minutes, I was alone. My friend was running late and wasn't there to comfort me, but I didn't mind so much now that I think about it. This was something personal; it's meant to be done alone.